I guess the words “spoke too soon” should’ve applied to my “completed” 20k service last week.
I was lucky enough to pick up my vehicle last Friday after the dealership completed my 20k service at 21,021, it was a particularly slow weekend for me, driving wise, as we pretty much stayed close to home. So, it was a little perturbing when I received the dreaded “Transmission Error” last night.

I’ve only had a few of these in the past, however, this has been the first one since my dealership moved my car from being serviced by the one technician that they’ve had on the ActiveE with a second tech who just started working on my car. Not to say that I blame the guy… But that’s just suspect for me.
So, I figured not to panic, I started the list of things to do when this error pops up…
1) I took the key out and waited a few minutes started the whole process and the car did not start.
2) So, I figured to try it again and waited an hour… No effect.
3) I decided to go to sleep, plug the car in and try it the next morning… Tried it, still the same error.
4) Tried the reset switch by the battery
5) Finally had to call for a tow truck…

A “skate”, I think “sled is better”…

So, what did we learn since the first tow 9 months ago…
Well, not much. Apparently disengaging the low level electric and putting the car in neutral does not seem to be much of a priority anymore.
Well, for those interested, I was able to get a copy of the guide for tow-truck drivers from the guy who picked up my car (and proceeded to mark up my front drive way with rubber drag marks for my car…)
Skates are now “recommended”, however, skates are not what I thought they would look like, Sleds would have been a better name.
Ugh… Now, I wait… And hopefully it’s not too long. I am still hoping to try to catch up to Tom M! or at least stay ahead of Todd C. Hard to do when I’m driving an ICE 328 Sedan.